Portable Buffet Tables

Keep it Movin’: Rugged Portable Buffet Tables for your Establishment

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Mobility is of the essence when you’re serving a buffet line or hold regular buffets at your restaurant. The serving tables not only need to be well arranged, accessible, serviceable, and safe, but they also need to be able to move around so it’s easier to refill or sanitize the unit. Portable buffet tables are equipped with swivel casters to enable just that. They’re efficient and can be moved around to any part of the establishment based on the requirements and functionalities. The holding bins are constantly kept hot by either filaments or steam based on the construction of the unit. Portable buffet tables can also be made attractive by adding overhead lighting, and safer by incorporating sneeze guards. While most of the units come with the self-serviceability feature in mind, they can also be manned by your staff whenever necessary. Portable buffet tables can come in handy when you have several customers coming in each day, and when you need quick and easy ways to service your high-volume business. Chef Buyer makes sure all of its customers find the perfect product that suits their commercial kitchen needs. Our experts are consistent with both the technical and market information so you get the most top-of-the-line equipment to serve your customers. We feature premium brands like Advance Tabco so you only have to purchase from the best in the business. All of your purchases are guaranteed by company assured warranties and can be availed at Chef Buyer at the best market prices. If time is of the essence to you, it’s time you called Chef Buyer.

Also make sure to check out other great items from and Advance Tabco.

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