John Boos Condensate Hoods

Cool & Dry: Top-tier Condensate Hoods for your Restaurant

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 total
John Boos C2H-36-2-X Condensate Hood
Your price $1,009.05
John Boos C2H-42-2-X Condensate Hood
Your price $1,221.15
John Boos C2H-60-2-X Condensate Hood
Your price $1,424.85
John Boos C2H-36-2 Condensate Hood
Retail $3,669.00
Your price $1,455.89
John Boos C2H-42-2 Condensate Hood
Retail $4,314.00
Your price $1,711.73
John Boos C2HB-42-2-X Condensate Hood
Your price $1,767.15
John Boos C2H-60-2 Condensate Hood
Retail $4,501.00
Your price $1,786.03
John Boos C2HB-42-2 Condensate Hood
Retail $5,946.00
Your price $2,359.55
Steam, humidity, and latent heat are a part and parcel of a busy commercial kitchen. Whether it's due to the kettles, pots, dishwashers, steamers, or cookers, steam is nearly everywhere in a commercial cooking operation. To make things easier for your staff, you can consider outfitting your existing ventilation systems with a condensate hood. A unique vent hood built just for removing steam from an environment, condensate hoods can be placed over steam-producing units in a kitchen for the highest efficiency. Instead of raising the ambient temperature and causing potential burns, the steam immediately wafts to the condensate hood, exiting the kitchen in a few seconds. This helps you maintain a cool and dry environment in the kitchen, helping your staff function better and at greater ease. Condensate hoods are available in a large variety of sizes and combinations. These can be customized or bought according to the amount of space available to your establishment. With stainless steel construction, you can rest assured about the durability and corrosion resistance. When you're looking for quick and easy ways to service your high-volume business, be sure to seek out options that improve functionality like condensate hoods. Select from a large variety of high-quality condensate hoods to improve kitchen operability.

Also make sure to check out other great items from Eagle Group, Advance Tabco, John Boos and Rational.

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